A SCOTTISH Percy Pig obsessed super fan has gone viral after sharing videos of her massive collection of the iconic character.
The clip shows the 16-year-old’s extensive collection of items including pyjamas, bedsheets, plush teddies, mugs and even Percy Pig tea towels.
The teen’s bedroom can be seen covered in memorabilia of the much-loved pig and even includes a jigsaw puzzle and face masks featuring the character’s face.
So far, Erin has spent over £300 this year on Percy Pig memorabilia.

She posted her clip on TikTok on Sunday, writing: ” People think I’m obsessed with this.”
“But I’m okay with it, I am obsessed with it and I think this is an obsession that doesn’t hurt anybody.”
The clip began trending and attracted hundreds of comments from impressed viewers who couldn’t believe how large the Percy Pig collection was.
M&S Longbridge in Birmingham wrote: “Now that’s a real Percy Pig collection.”
A delighted Erin was excited by the interaction, responding: “OMG NO WAY.”
Many fans were jealous of the incredible collection, as the Percy Pig merchandise can be difficult to get a hold of and sells out extremely quickly.
One said: “You are so lucky. My parents banned me from buying anymore Percy Pig related stuff.”
Another baffled user commented: “M&S really do be putting Percy on everything.”
Speaking today Erin Smith said: “I’ve been collecting for about a year now, I’d say my merchandise collection so far has cost at least £340 not including the Percy food side of things.
“I buy most of the stuff on the M&S website but a couple things have come from a few stores across the North East.”
“There’s definitely high demand as everything sells out very quickly, I’ve had many comments on my TikTok asking how I managed to get a hold of some items because others are struggling to get them.”
She added: “My favourite item would definitely be the throw, it’s so soft.
“I’m hoping for Percy slippers, then I’ll be happy.
“It’s my mum who fuels my collection, I think she likes Percy more than I do.”