In BriefHermes customer claims driver left his parcel with dog - who later...

Hermes customer claims driver left his parcel with dog – who later ripped it apart

A HERMES customer has branded their delivery driver “thick” after claiming they left a parcel with his greedy dog – who immediately ripped it apart.

Shane Davies was raging after receiving an email from Hermes showing that his ASOS order had been delivered to his dog, Thor last week.

The furious customer from Swansea had been inside the house at the time and only found out his package was delivered when he received an email from Hermes.

The Hermes driver had apparently even taken a photograph showing that he had delivered the parcel – which included an appearance from Thor.

In the snap, Thor can be seen sniffing at the corner of the package.

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Thor is known for being nosey so immediately wanted to see what was inside.

Shane went outside shortly after to find his package with his £90 Nike Air Max trainers still lying on the ground but chewed to bits.

He later took to Facebook to share photographs of the delivery disaster and hit out at the Hermes driver.

He wrote: How thick can u get? Honest to f***, give the dog the parcel.”

Shane’s post has been shared over 3,100 times and attracted over 2,000 comments from baffled social media users.

Emma Bareham wrote: “Giving it to a beagle as well of all dogs . Mine is the exact same with parcels.”

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The pooch ripped the package apart, apparently damaging the trainers inside.

Sandy Robertson joked: “Dog seemed trustworthy enough mate.”

Beth Mclaughlin wrote: “That’s the best thing i’ve ever seen.”

And Lauren Shaw commented: “F***ing hermes.”

Speaking today, Shane said: “I ordered from ASOS and there was a note on the door saying to leave with neighbours but instead they gave it to the dog and took a photo of it whilst I was in the kitchen and they didn’t knock.

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Shane with Thor.

“By the time, I saw that that had been delivered on notifications, the parcel was in pieces.

“He’s just nosey and into everything.

“The Nike Air Force trainers were scuffed on the front.

“[I’m] waiting for a reply from ASOS.

Hermes has been approached for comment.

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