Friday, March 21, 2025
Partner PostsDanny MacAskill navigates Dubh Slabs in latest daredevil video

Danny MacAskill navigates Dubh Slabs in latest daredevil video

NERVE wracking footage has been released today showing extreme mountain biker Danny MacAskill taking on a climbing route with his bike.

MacAskill, 34 was inspired by mountain climbers to take on a new challenge by cycling on the Dubh Slabs on the edge of the Cullins on the Isle of Skye.

Footage shows the veteran biker riding down the climbing route at speed for his latest video on his Youtube channel.

The video starts by showing MacAskill walking up the side of the climb with his bike hung over his shoulder.

Rocks can be heard crumbling and falling away as he continues to climb higher up into the hills.

At one point MacAskill turns round to look at the view  from the climb and says: That’s pretty scary!”

Footage shot by a drone follows him as he speeds down the slabs on his blue mountain bike.

Danny MacAskill carrying his bike on the Dubh Slabs, Skye - Viral News Scotland
(Image credit: Dave Mackison) MacAskill hauled his bike up the steep climb over his shoulder

MacAskill navigates his way down the technical 900 metre route, over a steep ledge system of black ‘boiler-plated’ Gabbro slabs as well as exposed steps and drop offs, buttresses and grassy clefts.

His latest video, a We are Peny Media production directed by both Robbie Meade and Danny, shows the biking professional scrambling to just below the summit of Sgurr Dubh Beag  which is 733m in height.

As he reaches the bottom of the slabs he can be heard cheering and saying:” Oh my goodness, that was scary.”

Danny MacAskill on the Dubh Slabs, Skye - Viral News Scotland
(Image credit: Dave Mackison) Reaching the top of the climb a nervous MacAskill can be heard saying: “That’s scary” as looks down the dangerous route

As he reaches Loch Coruisk at the bottom of the slabs, he looks at the slabs for a final time and say: “No way, woohoo! That was pretty scary, that’s it the black slabs and the Cullins on the isle of Skye, incredible.”

MacAskill, a world-renowned street trials and mountain bike rider and YouTube sensation from the Isle of Skye, said: ‘I was pretty nervous tackling a lot of the obstacles on the route.

“The most challenging part was definitely the final 200 metre slab vertical section, which on the first day was just not possible to ride.

Danny MacAskill speeding down the Dubh Slabs - Viral News Scotland
(Image credit: Dave Mackison) A drone captures his nerve wracking descent down the climb as he performs tricks and carefully navigates ridges

“It was very exposed and had a very difficult run out.  This made the grip, braking and balance very difficult. 

“You literally feel gravity just pulling you down the rock and when the only thing stopping you is your brakes you really feel how steep it is. 

“Luckily it all worked out and I managed to get off the slab onto the grass reasonably controlled.

MacAskill rose to fame 11 years ago after his breakthrough video ‘Inspired Bicycles – April 2009’, that included  stunts filmed at iconic locations across Edinburgh.

He has now gained over 300,000,000 views on various YouTube platforms.

He added:”As much as I enjoyed riding the Dubh Slabs, the most memorable emotion was the relief and satisfaction heading back over the loch on the boat after finishing the filming!

“I really hope everyone enjoys this video and we hope it inspires some fun bike adventures when we are allowed to properly explore Scotland again.’

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