SCOTLAND’S largest trade organisation has welcomed the proposed delay to the new domestic smoke alarm rules but points out an awareness campaign needs rolled out.
SELECT, the campaigning body for the electrotechnical sector said it understood why the First Minister is set to postpone the new legislation.
All home owners and landlords must ensure they have a ceiling-mounted smoke alarms in their living room, hallways and landings. And, all kitchens must have a heat alarm and the system must be interlinked either through a wireless system of fixed wiring.
Meaning if one alarm was triggered it would activate the other ones and a carbon monoxide alarm must be fitted where there is a flue or fuel burning appliance.
If delayed, it could see this come into law by February 2022.
The Scottish government said MSPs would be asked to approve a 12-month delay.
It added the issue of fire safety remains a serious consideration and said it is imperative that householders were made aware of the importance of professional installation.
A major survey carried out in 2018 showed that faulty electrical installations accounted for 7.1% of all fires in Scotland with the damage caused to property by these fires costing in the region of £9.6million.
SELECT Managing Director Alan Wilson said: “We recognise that in the current climate, some homeowners may be reluctant to have tradespeople in their home to carry out any work that needs to be done.
“However, we also know that there was still a degree of uncertainty and misinformation among some homeowners, and more could have been done to raise awareness of the facts on a national level. Hopefully with the additional time we now have, that can be rectified with a clear government information campaign.”
SELECT, which is in the final stages of a campaign in the Scottish Parliament for the professional recognition of electricians, also warned of the dangers of the new alarm installations being carried out by unqualified and unskilled people.