Tickets for Shedinburgh Fringe Festival, an online series of shows designed to replace this year’s fringe have gone on sale today.
The event will see Fringe names and newcomers in theatre and comedy, broadcast live from sheds across the country, in their sheds.
All shows will be broadcast via Zoom every night from 7.30pm between 14th August to 5th September.
Alongside artists already announced SHEDINBURGH includes Fringe theatre hits Beats by Keiran Hurley in a special reading by Lorn Macdonald, Woke by Apphia Campbell, Status by Chris Thorpe, Fragments of Home by Annie George and many more.
Exciting names from the world of comedy added to the bill include Lucie Pohl, Chloe Petts and Sophie Duker, plus spoken word from Barber Shop Chronicles creator Inua Ellemans and Sean Maloney with more to be announced throughout the festival.
Tickets are now available from the Shedinburgh website.
And for those feeling the pinch, Pay What You Can systems are operating on tickets from or Crowdfunder, Traverse Theatre and Soho Theatre, with a minimum £4 donation.
The funds will be used to support new artists to help bring their work to the Edinburgh Fringe next year.
Fans of live events will have to be quick however, as sales are limited and performances will not be repeated.