There is just something about that terrible feeling you get when you see your paycheck for the week and notice that it is not correct. You were not paid for all the hours you worked, and now you must try to get it corrected by reaching out to your payroll department.
While it may seem insignificant to some, it might make a huge difference to others. By using time clock software, situations like this can almost always be avoided. This software makes a huge impact on your payroll accuracy, and here are three ways it helps make that improvement.
Accurate Time Reporting
If an employee expects to be paid accurately, they must first ensure that their time reporting is done accurately. This is where time clock software comes in. When using manual timecards or other manual time reporting processes, this is sometimes where the issue lies. Perhaps an employee forgot to clock in one day.
Or maybe they forgot to clock out one day and payroll took a guess at how long their shift lasted. Either way, an accurate payroll starts with an accurate account of how many hours the employee worked during that pay period.
Online time clock software will help ensure that time reporting is done accurately and precisely. A time keeper app makes it easy to clock in or out as well as log time for breaks. This software can provide a quick report of the time worked for each employee down to the minute. With this level of accuracy, it is much more likely that the payroll will be done correctly and there will be no errors in the paychecks.
Automatic Overtime Calculations
Overtime calculations can get tricky, especially if you are in a state with overtime rules that differ from the federal laws. Payroll staff must ensure that both federal and state law is followed, and this can be especially difficult when performing manual calculations. Not to mention the fact that the company may be inadvertently wasting money through overtime pyramiding without even realizing it. Time clock software can help solve these problems and ensure that these calculations are done correctly.
Cloud based time clock can automatically calculate any overtime payments that are due, and it can do so based on both federal and state laws. This will ensure that employees are paid accurately and that the company remains in compliance with laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Removing this burden and worry from the HR staff also frees them up to perform higher-value activities like employee relations and making the organization a better place to work. Accurately processing overtime will lead to a large reduction in payroll errors going forward.
Employee Time Off Calculations
Employee time off is generally managed by the payroll department. As an employee uses their available time, payroll staff must ensure that the appropriate amount of time is subtracted from the employee’s available balance. This can sometimes become difficult, especially if an employee forgets to mark their time appropriately in the payroll system.
Online timesheet software can help with this issue by keeping track of vacation and sick time balances automatically. No more manual calculations are required, and employees can see instantly how much time they have available by accessing a report with the app. By using a clock in and out software, payroll is processed correctly, and vacation balances are kept up to date very easily.
If your company has more payroll errors than it should, perhaps it is due to manual timekeeping practices. These issues could likely be avoided by moving away from manual work efforts to time clock software. This software can perform many functions and calculations automatically so that your payroll errors are greatly reduced. Employees will see timely and accurate paychecks, and your payroll staff will be grateful as well.