As the spread of covid-19 continues to take place around the world, everyone looks worried and frightened. No doubt, this pandemic will affect the economic and social factors in a heavy amount. Perhaps, the society is not worried about the mental health crisis that this pandemic is developing day by day. The unavoidable outcomes of this covid-19 will surely result in starvation, social safety concerns and employments, and several other things. In addition to these particular outcomes of this disease, it will be dangerous for students as it can improve their stress level, depressions, and alcohol dependence more and more. For more details, you can check right now.
In some recent surveys and reports, it is confirmed that the covid-19 pandemic is affecting the students more and more in a number of ways. Whether you talk about the increasing financial setbacks or the stress levels, the situations are becoming worst for the students all around the world.
Mass unemployment, homelessness, and starvation are some of the major outcomes that everyone has to undergo. However, no one looks too much concerned about the mental health and fitness of the students. As the regular educational programs and courses are not running, the students are looking confused.
As mentioned earlier the coronavirus disease is spreading more all around the world, there is another Public Health issue that is all set to take place. Due to the outcomes of this predictable danger, you can expect to see more deaths than covid-19. Going by the records of deadly diseases and the unplanned outcomes of a foreseeable financial downward spiral the world is looking at a mental health disaster, with suicide-associated losses as its front pointer.
At the present time, the frontline medical staff, covid-19 survivors, and other people suffering more to protect the world from this deadly disease. As per the report of the expert, the outcomes of this pandemic could be more dangerous for a country like India where the number of malnourished and poor individuals is always higher. As a result, the storm of depression and anxiety could be unbearable for the people of India.
Boosted chronic stress & anxiety
First and foremost, you need to talk about the chronic stress and anxiety that students could have easily during the same time. As there is no timeline fixed yet to go to the educational institutions and colleges, students are feeling more depressed. In addition, the institutions have not announced any exam related declaration or statements. As a student, it is nearly impossible for you to be in a good mindset and continue studying for hours.
Due to the increased level of chronic stress and anxiety in your mind, you will definitely have a lack of focus and concentration while studying. Some of the students can get so much depressed that they think that covid-19 will never end. As a result, the government should start taking more care of the mental health of the students in such a critical time.
More depression and self-harm
Furthermore, you can talk about the improved level of depression that can harm the students in so many ways. As they do not know how much day should study and when the exams will take place, it will be depressing to see what authorities do to help the students. At the present time, there is no such information available that can ensure that students need to be relaxed at their homes.
Alcohol dependence
Due to the increment in the depression and anxiety, students could depend on the alcohol consumption more and more. No doubt, alcohol is not a solution to overcome any problem or complexity. However, students do not find any particular way then consuming alcohol to settle down the mind on any particular thing. This could be yet another big problem with which the government has to deal at the moment or just after the end of the lockdown.
Increased chances of suicide-related deaths
As mentioned earlier, the chances of suicide related deaths will increase more All around the World due to the same kind of depression and anxiety. As per some health experts and specialists, covid-19 is going to uplift the level of such debts as people is not that much mentally tough to go through it? It can be said that some parts of the world will have more number of suicides after the completion of the lock down and this pandemic.
Danger to rural towns and villages
Most importantly, you need to take a look at the outcomes of this pandemic in the rural areas of the world. As per the influx of migrant employees, the rural areas could be more respectable to the suicide associated deaths. You can consider the community of farmers that certainly looks in a certain danger, which is also caused by the covid-19.
Financial setbacks & loneliness
No doubt, the students can continue the communication with their friends by using the text messages or calls. However, they can still feel the loneliness as a major mental issue. The feelings of loneliness could be extremely dangerous for the students who are preparing for higher studies and looking forward to have a brighter future ahead. For further inquiry, you may need to check right now.
At the present time, you have successfully underlined the paragraphs that articulate some important details regarding the outcomes of covid-19 on a student’s life. If you are a student, you should try to stay away from such concerns as much as you can.