NewsScottish NewsArtist shares "genius" tip for saving space in recycling and rubbish bins

Artist shares “genius” tip for saving space in recycling and rubbish bins

AN ARTIST has shared her “brilliant” trick for saving space in recycling bins as many councils across the country cut back their refuse collection.

Angela Morrison from Inverkeithing, Fife has revealed a simple tip for condensing plastic waste, using just boiling water.

The professional face painter shared a handy video explaining the tip on Sunday.

In the video, Angela talks through her trick saying: “It occurred to me I’ve never got enough room in my green bin.”

She then piles several days’ worth of food packaging into her sink.

She goes on, saying: “Boil the kettle, if you’re having a cup of tea – don’t boil it especially, just stack everything.”

She then takes a kettle full of boiling water and simply pours over the rubbish.

The plastic is seen shrinking and shrivelling under the extreme the heat of the water, condensing in the process.

Angela then uses a washing up bottle to press the plastic down further.

The result is a flattened pile of plastic half its usual size, saving valuable space in recycling bins.

Angela posted her handy hit to Facebook, sharing the clip with the caption: “Anyone else’s plastic recycling bin overflowing?

“This wee video might just be the solution to the problem. Don’t keep it to yourself, pass it along.”

Angela’s tip has wowed social media users.

Angela Morrison Pictured

Christina Enever wrote: “Genius.”

Catrina Pentland added: “You’re too clever.”

And Louise Cowan said: “This is what we’ll need to start doing.”

Speaking today, Angela explained: “It sound a bit stupid but, last summer I’d been browning some mince for dinner and wanted to drain off the excess fat that had come out of it.

“I know better than to pour fat down the sink but didn’t have my usual dish that I use for the job, to hand.

“I saw the empty mince tray still in the sink, where I’d left it to rinse out ready for the bin, so I thought “that’ll do”. When I poured the hot liquid into it, it instantly started to melt.

“Thankfully I managed to grab a bowl to collect the liquid in, before it escaped down the plug hole. Anyway, eureka! Have been doing with boiling water ever since.

“Usually I just put a bit extra water in the kettle when making a cuppa if I’ve any to melt down.

“There’s still plenty of plastic that doesn’t melt, but this still makes a huge difference. “

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