Business‘We Walk’ to help stroke survivors

‘We Walk’ to help stroke survivors

Stroke survivors from across Scotland are being sought to take part in a University of Dundee project aiming to aid their recovery.

Researchers from the University’s School of Nursing and Health Sciences have devised the We Walk intervention to help people who have had a stroke walk more in their own communities. They are seeking volunteers from the Tayside, Fife, Lothian and Greater Glasgow and Clyde areas to take part in the study.

Regular physical activity, including walking, brings many health benefits, including better recovery from stroke and reduced risk of further strokes.

Senior couple enjoying walking along the coast. Its cold outside so they are wrapped up warm. The couple wrap their arms around each other as they smile at the camera

The intervention uses a novel feature, where the stroke survivor works with a walking buddy, such as a family member of friend, to facilitate walking outside.

Members of the Dundee team will work with stroke survivors to define current activity levels, discuss participants’ abilities and set goals. In addition to putting a practical and achievable plan in place, the researchers will visit volunteers and call them to discuss progress throughout the course of the 12-week intervention.

“Keeping active after a stroke is essential for recovery and wellbeing,” said Research Fellow Dr Linda Irvine. “Stroke survivors get their mobility and confidence back as well as experiencing other emotional and social benefits.

“We want to hear from people at different stages of their recovery from a stroke who want to walk more and who have some experience of walking outdoors, with or without a stick.”

To sign up for We Walk, or to find out more, please visit the study website or contact Dr Irvine on [email protected] or 01382 381970. The project is funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government.

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