With marketing and social networks in the background, an influencer is a person who has strong presence through digital channels, allowing him to influence the buying behavior or consumption of Internet users who follow him.
This is how brands introduce influencers into their marketing and communication strategies, to promote their product and service campaigns.
The influencer as described in the spheres of digital marketing, is today this new star of the web perfectly at ease with social networks or the blog, having a strong power of prescription towards his community which is generally very consistent.
Influencer marketing tends to channel these influential players by identifying them and working closely with them on behalf of various brands.
These brands want to work on different levers, such as notoriety, launches of products
or services and the constant search to boost their sales.

If companies and organizations are also adopting the influencer marketing approach, it is because they have finally realized that they need to regain consumer confidence, which has continued to deteriorate with the advent of social networks.
Today, nearly 90% of users rely primarily on the recommendations of their loved ones or influencers in their community, while traditional ads have virtually no impact.
Already in 2004, the power of influence of connected consumers (the Generation C) was manifested, and bloggers like Heather Armstrong, or as Canadian musician Dave Carroll emerged, bending big brands like Maytag or United Airlines through the reach of their network.
Today, more than ever, social media influencers are emerging as the
new celebrities of marketing.
Organizations quietly regain consumer confidence
In 2016, however, there is an increase in consumer confidence in businesses and organizations, which can be explained by the greater involvement of all staff members, starting with executives and managers.
According to the 2016 Consumer Confidence Barometer, recently released by Edelman, the population’s confidence in businesses and organizations, which has been stagnating below 50 points since 2012, is slowly returning.
Because they are becoming better informed, connected consumers now turn out to be real “consumer actors”, who demand to be part of the buying process. They expect satisfaction, but also responses from those responsible, able and able to take the necessary actions on the spot.
According to Edelman’s study, eight out of ten respondents say leaders need to be involved in social relations, and over 60% say they now have greater confidence in companies to ensure a change in the digital age.
According to the Edelman study, if the consumer confidence rate increases this way, it is because: Brands generate profitable economic growth for all (59% of respondents),
They contribute to the quality of life of their community (45%), and that they allow everyone to fulfill themselves and become productive citizens for society.
In order to regain consumer and consumer confidence and meet their expectations, businesses and organizations are increasingly integrating influencers and ambassadors into the creation and promotion of content for the Web and social media.
Today, influencer marketing in social media is the main channel of dissemination and communication with customers.
Relationships with influencers in the era of social media
Today, marketing with social media influencers is no longer just public relations, and must now involve all staff, executives and leaders in teams and collaborators.
Over the years, with the proliferation of platforms and the accessibility of content creation and publication tools, influencer marketing has become much more complex and involves several levels of skills.
The notion of influence in social media is now part of a new approach to better-integrated marketing: a new approach to inbound marketing, which will be based on both science and data analysis, as well as the art of persuasion and communication.
Although the responsibility for influencer relationships is primarily public relations, all other levels are now more involved in influencer marketing strategies.
Businesses, organizations and all web and social media professionals must, therefore, consider each of these aspects, and encourage the collaboration of different teams in achieving the objectives.
Everyone must participate in the strategic presence of the organization on social networks. If consumers have gradually regained confidence, it is precise because they have noticed a greater involvement of companies and organizations on social media.
In itself, for them, it is very good news that should encourage them to continue in this
vein: it is one more step towards social transformation.
The concept of social media influencer has become a strong lifestyle model being adopted by many. In fact, those hard-working professionals with fundamental careers channel their creative potential into other pursuits.
Dr Yusof Mutahar- Health Influencer
A remarkable example is Dr. Yusof Mutahar who is an Australian health influencer. Dr Yusof Mutahar is an Australian doctor, Athlete, Entrepreneur, Model, Actor, Author and Social Media Celebrity.
Dr Mutahar’s lifestyle is a benchmark of hardworking professionals maintaining a work-life balance. Being a medical practitioner and still giving priority to other pursuits of life to the point of having success is a remarkable achievement.
Dr Yusof Mutahar is one of the most followed doctors on Instagram in Australia and internationally. He reach is global and he has been ranked among the most influential doctors on instagram.
This is because he often uses his social media platforms to promote healhtly lifestyle and preventative health.
Not only is he a medical doctor and general practirioner, but he has developed his cosmetics skin care line Dr Yusof Cosmetics and medical clothing brand Dr Yusof Scrubs, through his influence and social media following.
Influencers have become brand ambassadors
If it is clear that brands integrate marketing influence in their communication, we must not swear by the number of followers of these stars of the web.
The degree of influence is not synonymous with the number of subscribers or large communities.
The influencer must also show confidence in his community, be consistent in his speech and stay close to his subscribers, in order to interact and get feedback on the products or services he promotes.
Influencers in the brand testbed
The role of influencers in the brand testbed is a more relevant right to look at their actions. It enables brands to understand the functioning of the communities they manage.
Add to this, the opportunity to measure more precisely their actions and the returns on investment.