WARNING *The video contains very strong language*
INCREDIBLE video shows a very angry bird terrorise a delivery man attempting to deliver a package.
The jackdaw repeatedly attacks Stephen Egan as he tries to go about his work, turning what should have been a quick, simple job into a nerve-shredding nightmare.
The 49-year-old former construction worker shouts, swears and hyperventilates as the jackdaw blocks his way, stares him out and flies directly at him.
Stephen, from Cork, Ireland, eventually has no choice but to grab the package and make a run for it, darting back to his vehicle once the job is complete, and all the while under aerial attack.
The bizarre incident happened on Thursday in Kileagh, County Cork.
Stephen who works for Euro Car Parts shared the videos of the bird to Facebook the same day as the attack captioned with: “Just got attacked by a fg crow. Me heart is thumping lol.”
In the clip, the jackdaw starts perched carefully on Stephen’s wing mirror before flying on top of his van then onto the edge of the door.
It then cuts to the jackdaw walking over the blue van branded with Europarts over it, where Stephen can be heard banging on a metal gate calling for help.
The jackdaw starts carefully perched on Stephen’s wing mirror before flying on top of his van.
He can be heard saying: “Mick come out for f***’s sake.”
The clip then shows Stephen edging closer to the van telling the bird to “get of the van.”
However, he edges a bit too close to the bird making the Jackdaw fly at him and then hover on top of him to scare him away.
The little bird flies relentlessly at Stephen, before perching on his door mirror once more.
Stephen yells: “Get the f**k off.” Noticing the penetrating stare of the bird, he adds: “Jesus Christ, he’s half human.”
He eventually opens the side door but the jackdaw seems to understand and perches menacingly above. Stephen eventually grabs the pacel and dashes for the building but is ambushed yet again as he comes out and runs for his vehicle.
Back in the driving seat he can be heard hyperventilating only to be tormented again as the jackdaw perches triumphantly on his door mirror.
Eimear Twomey wrote under Stephen’s post: “I’m skitten, hahaha even though, I would have had a heart attack.”
Lisa B Hennessy added: “F*****g hell.”
Eric Hosford, referring to Stephen’s nickname, wrote: “Footer getting bullied by a bird.”
Speaking today he said: “I was doing a delivery to a regular customer. I had never seen the bird around there before. He just seemed to be attracted to me for some reason.
“I didn’t really think I had a fear of birds until this happened. I found out Saturday that he was hand-reared by a nearby farmer.”
He added: “It was my first encounter with it. All the lads are getting great mileage out of the video. I’m getting an awful ribbing over the video. All good fun though.”