DRAMATIC video shows a learner biker thrown into the air after he tries to beat traffic lights and crashes into a car turning right.
The motorcyclist goes through the amber at speed just as a driver decides it’s safe to make a right turn.
The biker smacks into the side of the car and both he and his vehicle are thrown upwards before smacking down on the road.
Viewers of the clip couldn’t agree if fault for the crash in the Stockwell area of London was with the driver or biker, both of whom escaped without serious injury.
The driver who captured the incident on Thursday, who wants to be known only as Annie, captioned the clip: “Don’t speed up on amber. Check for other oncoming traffic in the other lane. Don’t dawdle on a junction.
Annie, 25, added: Everyone walked away. Could have been very different though.”
Online, Mike Walton felt the car in front of Annie’s should take a portion of the blame.
He wrote: “The Prius driver shouldn’t have stopped and allowed the Corsa across, and the moped rider was going too quick given that it was a junction and the Prius had stopped.”
Andy Sentinella said: “I blame the biker … what a tw**.”
Defending the rider, Maciek Grischke wrote: “The biker was like 3 metres before the lights when they changed to amber. No way he could stop.”
But Karl Stead said: “If the left hand lane was for going straight ahead then the biker had right of way as the car was going across the biker carriageway. The car is totally to blame.”
But a spokesman for IAM RoadSmart said: “As ever the blame is shared between the rider and the driver.
“The rider is going too fast and should have identified the hazard that might happen ahead of them at a junction. “
He added: “The driver turning right should also have exercised more care that a vehicle of some sort might emerge from the cycle lane. Good urban driving is all about observation and anticipation. Things don’t happen suddenly if you use those key skills.”
64% of all motorcycle accidents in 2016 happened on junctions.
Annie said today: “These accidents can be prevented by people just having a bit more consideration on the roads for bikers, winter sun coupled with an obstructed view warrants extra caution.
“Bikers need to be aware if visibility is impaired due to another lane of traffic alongside, to slow down and observe before passing even if they have right of way.
“It’s been a hotspot throughout January, with much worse consequences for the riders involved.
“The guy in that video was absolutely fine this time.”
The most recent report on motorcycle crash causes from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents revealed that 64% of all accidents in 2016 happened on junctions.