HILARIOUS video shows police escorting a 5mph mobility scooter – on a 70mph dual carriageway.

The car passengers who film the bizarre sight are besides themselves with hilarity as they pass the mini-convoy trundling through south Wales.
And they can’t resist winding down the window and yelling encouragement as they pass the bemused-looking scooter driver.
The incident was captured on the A470 between Cardiff and Methry on Thursday evening as Cameron Grenter and his brother-in-law Courtney Morgan.
Courtney posted the video with the ironic caption: “High speed pursuit on the A470 guys.”
Mobility scooters are allowed on dual carriageways but are advised to avoid roads with a speed limit above 50mph and should display an orange hazard light.
It is thought police decided the scooter driver in the video was potentially putting himself and others at risk and decided to escort him to safety.
Cameron, 25, from Tredegar, Blaenau Gwent, was the passenger in the car being driven by Courtney, also 25, and from the same town.
The video starts with Courtney saying: “Oh yeah, like someone on a mobility scooter like.”
Cameron can be heard laughing in the background.
In the distance, a police car’s lights can be seen flashing as it blocks off the left-hand lane.
Cameron can be heard saying: “No way, man. What the f**k?”
The scooter then comes into view and as the lads pass, the window is wound down and Cameron yells: ” All right, drive!” The scooter gives the boys a puzzled glance.
Cameron, laughing uncontrollably, says: “What a f****** header.”
Speaking today Cameron said: “I was in a state of disbelief and laugher at the incident. Ther are some made people about.”
On social media, Dan Parker wrote: “Daft c*** like.”
Kelly Adams joked: “He didn’t fancy getting stuck in the traffic.”
Callum Galleozzie said: “What a legend.”
Luke Marshall wrote: “Oh my god. Head like a melted welly.”
Scott Fuller posted: “I drove past this earlier pulled in the lay-by with two cop cars and a riot van… f****** retard.”
In Early June last year, motorists were left stunned after an elderly man was spotted holding up traffic driving his mobility scooter down a busy dual carriageway in Newport, South Wales.
The incident took place on the A48, which is a notoriously fast and busy road.
No-one was injured and the police traced the man and offered advice about the legalities of mobility scooters.