Partner Posts5 Reasons to Add Animation to Your Content Marketing Strategy

5 Reasons to Add Animation to Your Content Marketing Strategy

Animation has been integral to some of the most successful advertising campaigns of the last decade. The John Lewis Christmas campaigns are always memorable thanks to some show-stopping animated sequences.

The ‘Dumb Ways to Die’ safety campaign won several awards and got its message across in a funny, memorable way. All the big tech giants understand the importance of animation – the Google Doodle is hugely popular. The good news is that you don’t need to have a billion-dollar advertising budget to utilise animation in your next content marketing campaign.

If you are still not convinced, here are five reasons why you need animation.

More Stimulating to Viewers

Images are way more stimulating than text. Video site YouTube is now more popular than Facebook because millennials would rather watch videos than read text-based content. Animated content leads to better engagement.

It is much easier to get information across when you animate it. If you want to keep your audience engaged, animate the information. You will see much better results.

Dry, boring information becomes far more interesting when it’s animated. If you want to tell your audience about a new piece of machinery, create an animated sequence – people will prefer watching that to reading a page of text.

More Memorable

Do you remember the last animated video you watched? You probably do. That’s because animated content is instantly more memorable and entertaining. Great animation is popular. People want to share it with their friends. The likelihood of an animated film clip going viral is much higher than a blog post.

Animation produced by top agencies like Spiel is more creative, so it captures the audience’s attention. The goal of content marketing is to grab your audience’s attention and hang on to it for as long as possible.

Reach a Bigger Audience

As we have already touched upon, animation is very shareable. People love to share great content with friends, loved ones, and even colleagues. Produce a funny, memorable animation clip and watch it go viral. If this happens, your content could easily reach a global audience. Wouldn’t this be amazing?

More Cost-Effective

If you want more bang for your buck, animation is a top choice. It costs a tremendous amount of money to create a professionally produced video clip for marketing purposes. Sure, you could make your own using a smartphone and editing software, but that’s not exactly a professional approach.

Creating an animation is much more cost effective than hiring a film crew to make a marketing video for your company. It’s also better value for money.

Better Conversions

The whole point of a marketing campaign is to attract viewers and convert them into leads and customers. Animated videos have a much higher click-through rate compared to text. Studies indicate that website animations offer a 70% boost in conversion rates. They are shared 12k times more than regular content.

If you want to boost your brand and build a stronger customer base, animation is the way to do it.

Use animations in your newsletters and marketing emails, on your website, and on social media.

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