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Deadline News is the leading independent news and picture agency in Scotland.
Supplying content to print, broadcast and online colleagues across the globe since 2000, we cover stories throughout the UK but concentrate largely on the news footprint of Central Scotland.
Our dedicated team of journalists and photographers cover everything from breaking news, politics and human interest stories to celebrity appearances, court reporting and sport.
Turdoprop: Flybe aircraft delayed after toilet pipe bursts.
A FLYBE flight was delayed after a burst pipe connected to the toilet leaked its foul contents on to the ground below.
Astounded passengers who witnessed the mess went online to joke that the aircraft appeared to have pooed itself.
Not so funny was the 40-minute delay as the flight from Edinburgh to London was checked by technicians and the area cleaned up.
One of the passengers on yesterday’s (tue) flight to London, Mike McGrail, tweeted: “Technical issue with plane. While walking onto plane, there was a pile of [poo emoji]under it.
technicians had to clean up the mess.
Mike continued his Twitter commentary saying: “Pilot just had a chat. Turns out that poop wasn’t the initial technical issue, but he had asked the ground crew to empty the toilet and the pipe burst.
“Now we can’t leave until the poo on the fuselage has been deemed safe. Let’s hope it doesn’t hit the prop eh @flybe? #jobbie”
Other passengers on the 15:40 flight on Tuesday also took to Twitter to share pictures and comment on the issue.
The pictures show excrement covering a large area of the tarmac beneath the cockpit of Flybe’s purple plane.
One shows an airport lavatory service vehicle to the side of the plane by the faeces.
Martin Cremin tweeted: “My flight is delayed because the plane has just poo’d itself.”
Others responded to the Tweets. One user said: “you’re s******* me!”
Another, referring to coffee made from berries passed through the digestive system of a cat, wrote: “I hope that they served you Kopi Luwak coffee during your flight in accordance with their proceedings.”
The flight arrived 22 minutes late.
A Flybe spokesperson said: “Flybe can confirm that the above flight was delayed due to a technical issue with the aircraft identified before departure. The aircraft was inspected by engineers and cleared to depart, arriving in London City 22 minutes behind schedule.
“Flybe apologises for any inconvenience experienced however the safety of its passengers and crew remains the airline’s number one priority at all times.”
This is not the first time a plane has been delayed due to a toilet malfunction.
In 2015 a “smelly poo” on a British Airways flight caused the plane to return to Heathrow after taking off en route to Dubai. The airline explained that the offending item was in danger of being “recycled” in the pressurised cabin’s air.