A CATFIGHT has erupted between the owner of a celebrity moggy and a Facebook page dedicated to the feline.
Fudge hit the headlines two years ago when it emerged he made a daily visit to his local Tesco in Dumfries. Her fame hit new heights when she was briefly kidnapped.
Fans of the 11-year-old tabby set up a dedicated Facebook page called “Fudge the Tesco Cat” and made owner Lynn Duncan an admin.
But the claws are out after Lynn and her daughter Li An were suddenly dumped as admins amid claims they don’t do enough on the page.
Lynn, from Dumfries, has retaliated by trying to ban the site’s 2,235 members from posting pictures of Fudge or even using her name.
Taking to the Facebook this morning, Lynn wrote: “Please note even though Fudge is my cat both me and my daughter have been removed as Admins.
“I find this insulting and hurtful. No longer will Fudge be associated with this page and I do not allow her name or image be used. Sorry it has got to this but I have no choice.”
Lorraine Renwick, who is an admin and believed to have set up the page, then changed the name of the page to Dumfries Missing Pets and Rehoming page (formerly Fudge the Tesco Cat).
The page was set up two years ago after the pampered puss was kidnapped one evening from her usual spot at the branch.
She also removed Fudge from the page’s cover photo in exchange for an image of random cats.
She told Lynn: “I’ve already told you why you are not admins anymore Lynn. If you don’t help out what’s the point?”
Dozens of shocked members have weighed into the argument saying the page wouldn’t even exist in the first place if it wasn’t for Lynn and her cat.
Shaunie Kelly said: “What’s happened to this group? its turned into a right bitching group. Think if admin don’t buck up they will lose a lot of people on it.
“So what if she couldn’t always be on it? It’s her cat and let’s be honest, if her cat wasn’t so famous then you wouldn’t even have started this page up so if she wants her cats details etc taken off then do it because it’s her cat and this page was for her cat.”
Wullie Mclatchie wrote: “I’m in full support with Lynn on this as it’s her cat, she should have say on what goes on this page, active admin or not.
“Just my opinion, I’m happy to be taken off here if you feel my comments are inappropriate but if it was my cat I’d be on the same boat.”
And Stephi Hyuu said: “Ultimately if it wasn’t for Lynn’s cat the page wouldn’t exist nor be where it is now. It would be different if she was just someone else on the page. But owner of the cat itself? Come on.”
The page was set up two years ago after the pampered puss was kidnapped one evening from her usual spot at the branch.
She was later found in a back garden but the man who was spotted taking her was later banned from the store.
Since then thousands of members continuously post photographs of Fudge and keep up to date with how she is doing.
The page has also been used to help owners trace missing pets in the area.