Deadline News is the leading independent news and picture agency in Scotland.
Supplying content to print, broadcast and online colleagues across the globe since 2000, we cover stories throughout the UK but concentrate largely on the news footprint of Central Scotland.
Our dedicated team of journalists and photographers cover everything from breaking news, politics and human interest stories to celebrity appearances, court reporting and sport.
Deadline News is the leading independent news and picture agency in Scotland.
Supplying content to print, broadcast and online colleagues across the globe since 2000, we cover stories throughout the UK but concentrate largely on the news footprint of Central Scotland.
Our dedicated team of journalists and photographers cover everything from breaking news, politics and human interest stories to celebrity appearances, court reporting and sport.
Commuter abandons car on M9 – so she doesn’t have to sit in traffic
A FRUSTRATED commuter abandoned their car on one of Scotland’s busiest roads – because they didn’t want to sit in traffic.
This morning (Thurs) Traffic Scotland shared a picture of what appeared to be a woman sat on the crash barrier on the M9 near Edinburgh airport.
It is understood that the lady had got fed up of sitting in traffic caused by the railway strikes and the Royal Highland Show congestion.
Police were called to the scene, but it is not clear what action, if any, was taken.
The image was tweeted by the Traffic Scotland account.
The picture, which was uploaded just before midday, was captioned: “Pedestrian M9 J1 Newbridge off slip. Police en-route. #BeAware #VeryDangerous.”
The image was then shared by several Edinburgh Police Scotland Divisions, who said: “If en-route to #RHS2016 please be patient. Longer than expected delays due to train strike. Better late than never.”
Several people commented on the photograph, with one describing it as a “Crazy place to be”.
Last year, Lamara Bell and her partner John Yuill died after lying in their crashed car for three days after it came off the M9 near Stirling.
And just earlier this year, a man along with his wife, daughter and another driver all died after a collision on the busy motorway.