A MANAGER at a homeless shelter is accused of biting a colleague on the buttocks, called her a “fat slag” and showing her pictures of penises.
Jack Colin Blackburn was due to appear before a panel of the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) today (MON), which could strike him off if the allegations are proved.
All of them related to his time working as a Project Manager for Blue Triangle Housing Association in Glasgow, which provides supported accommodation to vulnerable homeless people.
The charges mostly relate to conduct towards anonymous colleagues over a five-year stretch that he worked at the home between 2009 and 2014.
The charge sheet makes a number of serious allegations towards Mr Blackburn – most of which are sexual in nature.
It opens: “You did between December 2013 and June 2014, in relation to your junior colleague, ZZ ask if she had ‘a nice pert bum’ or words to that effect.
The charges also claim that over the same period he called the same colleague a “fat cow” and a “fat slag”, saying to her “you just want to go to Subway you fat cow”.
According to the allegations he also asked “if her thighs have always been so thunderous”, showed her pictures of penises and/or buttocks, and asked her if she knew what a “flesh light” was – in reference to a male sex toy.
The claims go on: “You did on or around 25 December 2013, state to ZZ that you ’could see her
beaver’ or words to that effect.
He also allegedly made references to “smelling fish” when a colleague passed by, and also told residents that ZZ “gets a new tattoo every time she gets a shag” – causing her embarrassment.
Another charge reads: “You did on 22 May 2014 at Wiston Lodge, whilst participating in a ‘Highland Games’ activity bite ZZ on her buttocks, sniff ZZ’s buttocks, say to ZZ ‘you must have had a bad curry last night’” and “make sexual references including referring to ‘tossing the caber’ as a sex act that you conducted.”
They also claim that he referred to another colleague as an “old boot” and referred to baby wipes as “spunk wipes” in a local shop.
They also allege that between June 2009 and June 2014 he showed colleagues “photographs of a male sex toy and/or of genitalia” and used inappropriate language – talking about “humps and dumps” and “shagging”.
The sheet also alleges that he breached the computer usage policy by using his phone to check Facebook, use gay dating app Grindr and show colleagues pictures of men he was thinking of dating.
A panel will discuss the charges and determine whether Mr Blackburn’s fitness to practice is impaired. If they find any of the charges proven, they may decide to remove him from the register and ban him from the profession.
The notice of hearing, in Dundee, states that the charges may be amended during the case. The hearing will continue throughout the week.