AN English teacher has been struck off for sending pupils suggestive emails including one which promised to “tickle you out with my feather duster”.
Michael Hendry was removed from the teaching register by the General Teaching Council for Scotland after sending female pupils a string of emails and texts whilst employed at the school in Glasgow.
In the exchanges with two under-18-year-olds he discussed personal relationships, complimented their appearance, and even referred to them as “sweetie” and “snoops” in 2013.

The unsuitable messages – usually sent late at night from a private email – also mentioned other staff members, discussed alcohol and requested to meet them outside of school hours.
In one exchange he complimented a fifth-year girl, saying she was “a beautiful, stylish, intelligent, funny, ambitious and generous young woman.”
Another email to the same girl read: “You are the best you have ever been in your life now sweetie and you are only going to get better. Seriously. You are already very impressive.
“I know I’m overstepping the mark but here’s my number. If you want to get together for a coffee or whatever at some point later this week to talk it over you do that.”
On another occasion, he messaged her whilst out with pals, asking her what she was drinking and “Was there a planned outfit of choice this eve?”
Later on that year, he sent her another email which read: “I’ll come up for you and tickle you out with my feather duster and give you a coaly back [piggyback] to school”, and made a reference to “two heads on a pillow”.
At the same time, Mr Hendry was texting another female student, asking to meet for a “cuppa tea or some lunch over the summer”.
The two girls brought the messages to the attention of teachers after becoming concerned they were doing something wrong.
Mr Hendry did not attend the fitness to teach hearing which found all seven allegations proved against him.
The panel had “no hesitation” in finding that the terms of the emails and text messages were inappropriate and that his behaviour was “extremely concerning”.
They agreed that he provided “no remorse or insight” into what he had done and that he was “fully aware” he had been acting inappropriately at the time.
He was immediately removed from the teaching register and is prohibited from making an application for re-registration for two years.