SCOTS police are asking residents to consider reporting neighbours with flashy cars – in case they are drug dealers.
Lothian and Borders Police say people who own fancier motors than they appear to be able to afford may be getting the cash from peddling drugs.
And they are urging anyone who has suspicions about a neighbour’s “extravagant lifestyle” to pass on the information.
Police chiefs claim the controversial new community surveillance tactics will help clampdown on drug dealers and anti-social behaviour in neighbourhoods.
Community Inspector Alan Bowie said: “If someone on your street appears to be living outwith their means, you can ask where do they get the money to drive fancy cars, perhaps if they don’t work.
The public should be on the lookout for cars like this Mercedes.
“How do they fund an extravagant lifestyle? Callers on a regular basis and procession of people coming to their doors but only staying for minutes may also be a sign.”
He added: “We’re looking for honest information rather than malicious information.
“We want to identify local concerns by listening to the problems communities raise and going from there.”
Under the new awareness scheme, tip offs from individuals and local businesses has already led to the arrest of three people associated with drug dealing.
On Tuesday a properties in Viewcraig Gardens and Dumbiedykes Road, Edinburgh, were targeted by police.
A 28-year-old man was charged under the misuse of drugs act.
Cannabis and other drug paraphernalia was uncovered during the searches, that also led to the arrest of a 49-year-old man who already had an outstanding arrest warrant and charged with an alleged police assault.
Another male, 22, was also identified and arrested and he also had an outstanding arrest warrant.
Detective Inspector Stuart Harkness said: “When Lothian and Borders Police launched Community Commitment in September 2010 we made a promise to listen to the public on the issues that affect them locally and respond accordingly.
“Over the past few months we have received vital information from members of the public and used this to carry out (Tuesday’s) operation.
“Our activity has undoubtedly impacted upon local drug-dealing and sends a clear message to our communities that we will continue to act on any intelligence they provide us with to remove criminals from their area.”