NewsLocal NewsLighthouse loses out to Forth Crossing

Lighthouse loses out to Forth Crossing

By Lauren Gelling

A LIGHTHOUSE which has stood at the entrance of the Firth of Forth for 185 years will be dismantled to make way for the new Forth crossing.

The Beamer Rock Lighthouse is soon to be taken apart so that part of the new 1.7 billion Forth road bridge can be built upon its rocky base.

But the structure of the lighthouse, which lies beside Port Edgar and guards the entrance to both the Rosyth Dockyard and the inner Forth, will be saved and could find a new home in the months to come.

A spokesman for Transport Scotland said: “The design of the Forth Replacement Crossing takes advantage of Beamer Rock, using it as a foundation for one of the new bridge’s three towers.

“This requires the dismantling, removal and storage of the small lighthouse there, which is scheduled to take place late this year.”

The structure, which was erected in 1826, is not listed but Transport Scotland said that it is of historic interest and should be preserved.

Although plans for the future of the lighthouse have not been finalised, locals would like to see it remain part of their area.

Commodore Terry Kirchin, of the Port Edgar Yacht Club, which named its magazine after the rock, said he would like to see the small lighthouse brought on to the Port Edgar mainland.

He said: “The Beamer Lighthouse is quite modest, but it’s a very important piece of the navigation as the rock is a significant hazard.

“It’s also important to us as it’s a great light to come back to after a trip. We also have a series of night races which finish at night in September and the Beamer light is a helpful part of orienteering around that part of the Forth.

“Although the little Beamer light is clearly overwhelmed by the bridges as a landmark, it is an important part of the Forth. We wouldn’t like to see it end up elsewhere.

“The right place for it to be should be on a plinth at the Port Edgar Marina explaining the purpose that it has had for all of these years.”

A new home for the historic landmark has also gained support from Lord Provost George Grub, who has lived in South Queensferry for a number of years and represents the council ward.

He said: “It’s good that Transport Scotland are going to relocate the lighthouse because it’s been an important feature of life in South Queensferry for many, many generations.”

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