EntertainmentEdinburgh's Finest Make Exhibition Of Themselves

Edinburgh’s Finest Make Exhibition Of Themselves

The City Art Centre will showcase works by some of Edinburgh’s finest artists and craft makers when it hosts a special exhibition later this year.

Submissions are currently being invited for the exhibition, which will run at the famous Market Street gallery from November 2011 to February 2012.

Councillor Deidre Brock, Culture and Leisure Convenor, said: “This exciting new exhibition at the City Art Centre later this year will showcase pieces by the many very talented artists from across Edinburgh whose work has been supported by the Council and Creative Scotland in the last ten years. In our Creative Capital, it’s absolutely fitting the city’s own art gallery should display and celebrate works by Edinburgh-based artists and makers.”

Back in 2000, the City of Edinburgh Council, in partnership with the Scottish Arts Council (now Creative Scotland), launched a scheme of funding to support individual artists and makers based in the Capital.

Formerly known as the Edinburgh Visual Arts and Crafts Award Scheme (EVAAC), the Visual Arts Awards: Edinburgh (VAA) and Craft Maker Awards: Edinburgh (CMA) schemes have supported over 200 proposals to develop new work and creative practice.

To celebrate the ongoing success of these schemes, the City of Edinburgh Council’s Culture and Sport Division will present an exhibition highlighting some of the supported individuals next winter.

To qualify for selection, artists and makers must have received funding, between the financial years 2000/01 and 2009/10 from at least one of the following schemes:

Edinburgh Visual Arts and Crafts Award (EVAAC); Visual Arts Awards: Edinburgh (VAA); and/or Craft Maker Awards: Edinburgh (CMA).

Funded projects must have concluded, with a final report submitted to, and approved by, the scheme administrator.

Closing date for submissions is Monday 14 March 2011.

To request an application package, or to discuss the opportunity further, please contact Tracy Scodellaro, Arts Officer, on 0131 529 6720 or at [email protected]

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