EntertainmentITV Star Hayman To Give Charity Lecture At QMU

ITV Star Hayman To Give Charity Lecture At QMU

Scots actor and director David Hayman is to give a presentation about his international charity work during a talk at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh.

The star of ITV police drama ‘Trial and Retribution’ Hayman, who was presented with an honorary degree from QMU last year, will address an audience about his work with his charity Spirit Aid.

It will take place between 12.30pm and 1.45pm next Wednesday, January 19.

Hayman founded the charity back in 2001 with the main aim of easing the suffering of children whose lives had been affected by war, poverty, genocide and other horrors.

Among the countries they have worked in are Afghanistan, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Guinea Bissau and South Africa, as well as in his native Scotland.

His presentation, which is free of charge and open to the public, will be hosted by the University’s International Institute for Health and Development (IIHD).

Professor Barbara McPake, Director of QMU’s International Institute of Health and Development, said: “We are delighted that David is going to be sharing his experiences of working in some of the most challenging areas of the world.

“The main focus of the presentation will be to inform QMU’s international health students about the work of Spirit Aid but we are also delighted to welcome people from the local community as well as other health and voluntary workers to this interesting talk.”

She continued: “David has spoken about his acting and directing work at QMU before and he is a compelling speaker. We know from his earlier presentation that his real passion lies in his humanitarian work and we are therefore looking forward to an insightful and personal account of Spirit Aid.”

The presentation will include a short film which highlights the charity’s work in the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan; with the Malawian Milonde community, bordering Mozambique; as well as the aftermath of the tsunami in Sri Lanka and squatter settlements of Khayalitsha, South Africa.

The event will take place in the Halle Lecture Theatre at QMU.

To reserve a place contact QMU on: 0131 474 0000 or Email: [email protected]

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