In BriefGunnar Staalesen and Ian Rankin fit the bill

Gunnar Staalesen and Ian Rankin fit the bill

A meeting of literary giants is planned to take place in Edinburgh later this month as part of the celebrations surrounding the 25th anniversary of the city’s Christmas tree – gifted by Norway – as a symbol of the two countries’ cultural and historical links.

Scotland’s favourite detective novelist, Ian Rankin, and his Norwegian counterpart, Gunnar Staalesen, will come together for a unique seminar to discuss their legendary creations – John Rebus and Varg Veum.

The characters of Rebus and Veum are synonymous with their home cities; Edinburgh and Bergen.

Whilst their individual storylines and depicted lifestyles are influenced by the nature of the world around them, both are renowned for their unconventional attitudes as solitary divorcees with a disregard for authority.

Chaired by former director of the Edinburgh International Book Festival, Catherine Lockerbie, the anniversary event will be held on Friday November 26 at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh.

Tickets are free – but be quick.

Those interested in attending should forward their name, address and contact number to [email protected] to be entered into a draw for selection on Wednesday November 17, at 5pm.

For further information, visit

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