1Dragon’s Den Duncan pledges support for homeless charity

Dragon’s Den Duncan pledges support for homeless charity

By Martin Graham

DRAGON’S Den star and multi-millionaire entrepreneur Duncan Bannatyne is supporting an autumn sleep-out to highlight the plight of young homeless people.

The ‘Byte Night’ is an annual sleep-out to be held at Holyrood Park on 8 October.

The event was started 12 years ago in London by IT professionals, hence the name ‘Byte Night’, to raise funds for the charity Action for Children.

The organisers are looking for more volunteers to spend the night under the stars and raise sponsorship money for the charity.

Speaking about the event, Mr Bannatyne said: “Byte Night is a fantastic fundraiser aiming to raise over £600,000 this year to support Action for Children’s crucial work with homeless young people.

“It’s wonderful to see so many busy business people giving up their precious time to help make Byte Night such a huge success.

“More sleepers are always needed – to find out more, log on to www.bytenight.org.uk.

“You can really help Action for Children change these young people’s lives.”

Robert Heggie who chairs the event’s Scottish organising board, said he was inspired to help when he discovered the positive impact Action for Children’s services can have on homeless young people.

He said: “Every year we meet young people who benefit from support provided in Scotland by Action for Children and it is amazing to hear the difference that this help can have.

“It can transform lives and shows just how important Byte Night is in helping to support the work of the charity.

“We want to hear from anyone who would like to take part in what is a really rewarding experience.

“Just one night out in the elements, even being well prepared with sleeping bags and survival sacks, really brings home what an ordeal sleeping rough is, without even taking into account the personal safety risks encountered by young homeless people.”

Action for Children works in local communities with 420 children’s projects across the UK,  including more than 60 projects in Scotland .

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