1Clan Kirkcaldy gathering in Fife this weekend

Clan Kirkcaldy gathering in Fife this weekend

Bruce Kirkcaldy
Bruce Kirkcaldy

By Cara Sulieman

STRANGERS from across the UK are meeting at a small town in Fife this weekend after an on-line campaign brought them together – because of their surname.

A group of people will gather in Kirkcaldy for the first meeting of ‘Clan Kirkcaldy’ after finding each other on Facebook.

It has been organised by Londoner Bruce Kirkcaldy, 23, who set up the group on the social networking site after Googling himself and realising others shared his unusual surname.

Bruce said: “Events like this aren’t common but I’m really looking forward to meeting the others.”

Third cousin

It was three years ago that Bruce first got in touch with his namesake and discovered that they are distantly related.

He said: “I Googled my name and found a Bruce Kirkcaldy.

“As it’s such an unusual name I thought we might be related so I emailed him with details of my family’s ancestry and it turns out we’re third cousins.

“We are both descendants of Sir William Kirkcaldy of Grange who defended Edinburgh Castle against the English for Mary Queen of Scots.”

Bruce then thought he would set up a group on Facebook to try and track down other Kirkcaldy’s around the world.

Kirkcaldy Museum

Despite the rare name, the group has almost 100 members, most of whom are descendants of William Kirkcaldy of Grange.

And although this Saturday’s trip will be the first visit to Fife for many of them, Bruce has been before.

He said: “We were in Kirkcaldy when I was about nine years old and the only thing I remember was that we went to the Kirkcaldy Museum – I was talking to the curator and he was also a Kirkcaldy.

“Hopefully this time I’ll be able to see more of the town and learn a bit more about my family’s heritage.

“I’m expecting around 15 people from across the UK to turn up – we’ve people from all corners of the country.

“Unfortunately for the Kirkcaldys who have been in touch from Australia and New Zealand, it’s a bit far to travel for one day.”

The group are meeting at Charley’s Bar in Kirkcaldy on Sunday. Anyone who wants to join them can contact Bruce on [email protected].

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